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Sports Ministries

Men's Basketball


Every Monday evening 6:00pm-8:00pm, we invite all men to meet together for a great night of fellowship and exercise. 


Every Tuesday evening at 5:00pm-7:30pm, men meet together for a great night of fellowship and competition. Afterwards, we invite you to stay for our Men's Bible Study, although this is not required. 


Halfway through each night, we take a 10 minute break and have a devotion time. This allows our guys to not only come to play basketball together, but also to share life together. 



Ladies Fitness Class


Every Thursday evening at 6:00pm, our ladies get together for a fitness class. Regardless of your age and energy level, each class offers high and low impact variations. We want to encourage you in joining our ladies for a great night of fellowship and fitness together! 

 Love God. Love People. Make Disciples. 

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Find us: 

1910 Monter Ave.  ::  Louisville, Oh  ::  44641

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