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First Kids

     First Kids is the Children's Ministry at First Baptist. First Kids is designed to teach your children the basics of the Bible and what it looks like to live their lives for Jesus in fun and exciting ways!


Sunday Mornings               

First Kids   10:00am

    While children K-5th grade start in the auditorium for the 10am service to begin the service worshipping with the entire church body, they will then be dismissed to their class to learn about God through His Word. 



Wednesday Evenings        

 Kids 4 Christ    7:00pm

    Our Wednesday evening Children's Program is a great way to reconnect with other kids in the middle of a busy week. At 'Kids 4 Christ' your child will have time to enjoy Bible teaching, Worship Songs, and games in our Gym!


**If you're a first time guest, please allow a few minutes to get signed in to our secure check-in system. **

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 Love God. Love People. Make Disciples. 

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Find us: 

1910 Monter Ave.  ::  Louisville, Oh  ::  44641

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